#this song really resonated with me
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magentasnail · 1 month ago
god what have you done?
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saturday-byte · 1 year ago
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I'll rust with you - Steam Powered Giraffe
(reblogs > likes !!)
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thewhizzyhead · 1 year ago
So like one common theme when discussing bullying is the tendency for bullies to project their insecurities on their victims right? like them taking their own shit out on the people they bully?
so i know that may not be exaaaactly the case with Max Jagerman in Nerdy Prudes Must Die like the dude even in the afterlife just really fuckin likes terrorising the shit out of people due to his god complex BUUUUT what I found very interesting was when in the Nerdy Prudes Must Die sequence, he was telling Richie to repeat after him: "Who will pray for me when my body's gone or until another Richie comes along?" And mind you, this song comes directly after another musical sequence about all the teens in that high school being so fucking happy that Max was gone. And like, well yea you can't blame the kids for being happy that Top Terrorizer #1 is gone and that they don't have to abide by his social strata anymore - but then again, having nobody pray or give a fuck about Max after him being mysteriously missing for 2 weeks is,,kinda fucked up for Max no matter the kind of person he is. So, to see someone he victimised get the attention and appreciation I would assume Max would've wanted from his team especially after being missing for so long - it really does seem to me that he was projecting onto Richie when he was about to kill him and making him feel how little he will matter to other people when he dies - like what he could've felt after literally everyone considered the high school "objectively better" now that Max was gone.
Which makes things a whole lot more interesting when Max snaps out of his WHO WILL PRAY FOR YOU solo when Richie belts out I'M NOT A LOSER - henceforth defying the idea of worthlessness Max was projecting onto Richie. So damn.
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aropodcastfuck · 7 months ago
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Feeling normal about the new hozier ep
Everyone go stream unaired
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listedbuilding · 17 days ago
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Cant Believe how Strange it is To be Anything At All .!!!!
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forensic-b1tch-aiden · 4 months ago
People say I look happy just because I got skinny
but the old me is still me and maybe the real me, and I think she’s pretty
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ochrearia · 4 months ago
Right Back to the Same Old Habits
Uhhh I don't know if this is really? Anything? But it's writing so might as well post it. I don't have anything else finished for RGBFverse and I don't know how motivated I will be for anything else so. Food lol. And it's Beefer so. I haven't done anything with him in a good while and he deserves at least a little something
BFs in this one-shot: Beefer (cs!BF, mine), Yourself (YS)
He wasn’t expecting anyone. He’d actually preferred that everyone decided to be smart and not come around because they had so many better things to be doing. If no one was watching like usual then YS would’ve felt less angry about, well, everything. He had so much anger. It was usually just buried under misery and came off as an already extinguished fire. Not today, he supposed. Right back to the same old habits. Because what was he supposed to do now? Congratulations, you’ve successfully convinced everyone that you’re worth a damn and now you can’t even keep that facade up. So what was left, then? Just anger. Always anger.
Boyf had accidentally seen it. Angry, furious just in general that when he was presented with an excuse to let it out he did. He was actually angry about that damn lemon monster thinking it could get away with hurting his little brother. But the anger hadn’t really been proportionate to what had been going on. It had burned so deeply that he’d forgotten his rule entirely and went eldritch. Using his shapeshifting in fury to look so grotesque and terrifying to match how his anger had felt. Showing an ugly side he hadn’t cared if the monster saw or not. But Boyf had also seen, and there was guilt there in his chest for it regardless. Boyf had told him it was fine. Didn’t stop YS from being angry about going against what he’d promised.
So YS wasn’t expecting anyone. He would prefer to be alone when he was so angry. Which was why he was surprised when he wasn’t left alone after all, and by someone he expected the least.
“Come on. You’re moping and I can feel it, I’m surprised no one else is here to try and fix that for you.” Beefer’s head was peeking through the mirror, a sharp edge to his tone that YS picked up on immediately. “You’re angry.”
“My walls are up? I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. You shouldn't have been able to notice that.” YS grumbled. “Not your job to show up and fix it. My mind, my problems. You have your shit to deal with. Focus on that.”
“Not your job to show up and fix our shit either.” Beefer countered.
“It actually is, now. Guardian angel. What’s your excuse?”
“Dunno, probably that your walls have literally never worked for me to begin with. Just another illusion isn’t it? A disguise to hide the true intention. The true you. I can tell when things are fake. I thought it was just being able to tell real humans from fake ones. I think it’s actually just being able to tell illusions from reality in general.”
“Not what you wanted to hear was it?” Beefer snipped knowingly. “Makes you more angry doesn’t it? Come on. Let’s go destroy something together. I’m pissed too, there’s a ton of places in my world where we can cause damage and get away with it.”
“Is it your own anger or is it mine, bleeding into your head?” YS asked, tone bitter. “My fault I guess. Of course I’d find the one version of me that is immune to magic used to hide things. Go home man. Go away. Get out of here, god, fucking leave, whatever comfort you could get from your GF or Pico will still be infinitely better than fucking wasting your time here.”
What are you doing? That’s no way to talk to one of your people. What the fuck is wrong with you?
“Nah.” Beefer shook his head. “You’re just angry. You don’t mean that really. I’ve felt what you really feel for a while now. I know what you’re doing and I may not be able to pull you out of it, but I’m not gonna let you just. Burn all the way down by yourself. Come on. Let’s go destroy some shit. I have something to show you, I was going to save it for a better time but that’s not important. Up. With me. Now.”
Damn fucking lizard. Always someone fucking showing up and acting like they wanted to help him. Pity at best. Obligation at worst. These days were getting more and more common, almost back to being daily and he knew that was bad but what even was the point anyway? There were enough other selves around now that YS could duck out like he’d wanted to and be forgotten. It would just be so damn easy. Maybe that was what he was angry about. He should’ve been long fucking gone by now.
“Times up, I’m not humoring your stubborn little game. You’re not the only one angry and for the record I would still never do anything to hurt you, but I’m not putting up with this. We’re going before you actually lose grip on your emotional walls and it becomes the problem of everyone instead of just me. That would make you even more angry.”
Beefer’s skills had gotten stronger somewhere along the line since the last time YS saw him. There was a sudden inhuman strength in the Dinaurian’s grip as he pulled the both of them through the mirror. Well, guess that made sense, he wasn’t human anymore anyway. YS swore his arm had changed before it, arm becoming more dinosaur-like. Guess that didn’t matter compared to the sudden blast of heat that he was met with.
“The fuck? Why are you at a literal volcano?” YS didn’t think that would ever be a sentence he said.
“Mt. Lavaflow. This isn’t even the only volcano that I could be at right now.” Beefer shrugged. “Thought you liked warmth? Too hot for you, big guy? I can potentially fix that a little in a moment but, better question, how strong are you really? I have no clue about the nature of supernaturals. Are you physically strong or magically strong?” YS ignored the Dinaurian for a moment, choosing to fully take in his surroundings instead. Certainly was a change compared to the routine of jumping through puddles. They’d crossed here through a large shard of obsidian glass, reflective enough for the magic to decide it would work. They were up high, and the angel could see rivers of lava that pooled in lakes. Nothing seemed like it was cooling down on its own.
“This mountain is self-sustaining. Most of the volcanos here are.” Beefer explained. “Apparently that’s not really a thing for everyone else? I’ve gotten ridiculous reactions every time I tell one of the others that volcanoes in my world just perpetually leak lava. Yeah. You can stop gawking now.”
“I wasn’t.” YS snipped. “Congrats. You’ve got me here. Now what? Great, I can sit and stew in physical fire instead of emotional fire. Actually, now I can do both. This is a great idea.”
“God you’re insufferable when you’re pissed off.” Beefer groaned. “Guess I wouldn’t be any better. I’m you. You didn’t answer my question. Think you’ve got the arm strength to start smashing some rocks? The lava here won’t cool down on its own. But it will cool if an outside force makes it.”
“What, you?” YS asked with a raised eyebrow. “I’m a shapeshifting angel, I have no water related magic. And without my wings I can’t do anything with wind either. So what do you have?”
Beefer gave a mix between a sneer and a grin. Maybe this was a bad idea when both of them were in such foul moods, but, oh well. Already here. Might as well keep digging this hole.
“Like I said. I wanted to show you this at a better time but if we’re going to be angry, you know, maybe there isn’t a better time for it. This is the last thing I’m going to be able to communicate to you so you’re going to have to save your awe-inspired questions for later!”
Before YS could ask what the fuck that possibly meant, Beefer was engulfed by a flash of light. And when it was gone, so was Beefer- well, the Beefer that YS was used to seeing. In his place was now a literal fucking dinosaur. Over twice YS’s height, towering over him with a tooth-filled mouth set in something like a snarling grin. Paper white skin, a giant cyan mane, teeth, claws, everything you’d expect to see of a theropod. Except it was so clearly alien, staring back at him with blood red eyes. Beefer, more dangerous than YS had ever cared to think.
“And for the record I would still never do anything to hurt you.” 
Right. YS could at least recall things said five minutes ago. He could see why Beefer had wanted to save this for a better time, because the concept of an angry dinosaur usually would end in someone getting torn to shreds. Those baby fangs and claws Beefer had in his humanoid form were more of a fucking warning than something to be scared of. His full dinosaur form, on the other hand…
“So, what, you’re going to start smashing rocks and leaving me smaller ones?” YS asked, hands in his pockets. “Look, fine, I can admit that you look cool. Fucking warn a guy about the flashbang effect next time.”
In the back of his head he remembered Beefer wasn’t always able to do this. So at some point along the line of not getting to hang out with each other, he’d learned. And he’d wanted to show the angel that despite everything going on with him, he’d found something to learn and be excited about. If he wasn’t letting his bad emotions get in the way of logic then maybe he’d say something about that like he should.
The Dinaurian grunted at him. Stomped off, looking behind him to make sure YS was following. They walked for a little while, down the side of the mountain to lower ground with a closer pool of lava.
“I don’t see how this is any better.”
The dinosaur glared at him, using his tail to push YS to back up. He did with a raised eyebrow, not seeing how this was going to do anything, but he assumed Beefer knew what he was doing.
Beefer let out a shrill mix between a growl and a hiss, jumping up and slamming the ground right next to the lava pool, causing some of the molten rock to be disturbed upwards. While that was happening, a sudden jet stream of compressed water came blasting out of his mouth, disrupting the lava further and cooling it down. Hot steam billowed into the air as chunks of solidifying rock started falling on the ground within reach, some not making it and falling back into the lava. But the saveable bits were enough.
“So you can… breathe water.” YS relented. “Actually, not really breathing it. You’re a walking pressurized water gun. Has anyone told you that you’re a lot more dangerous than you look in your normal form? Remind me to never make you pissed off at me directly…”
There wasn’t much else to be said. Beefer couldn’t talk in a way YS could understand in this form, so he was talking to a brick wall on a technicality. That was fine, though, both of them weren’t in their right minds at this point. YS had seen before how vicious Beefer could get when butting heads with Boyf in particular. And he knew he wasn’t any better right now. They all had the potential to be rather vicious if given the right circumstances.
Maybe smashing rocks wasn’t such a bad idea right now.
Beefer, of course, was better at it than him. Ancient strength born of a genome mixed with alien and reptile, the idiot was destroying the rocks he’d created like he was slicing through a stick of butter. There were smaller ones that YS could get to crumble in his grip if he tried hard enough. Man, letting his body atrophy for as long as he’d been, it was starting to show now. It wasn’t like he was able to crush rocks as fast as Beefer could before, but if he’d been taking better care of himself then it probably would’ve taken less effort than he needed now.
God, what was he even doing? Right back to the same old habits.
There were bits and shards left all around now. YS wasn’t sure how long they’d stood here just destroying for the sake of it, but time had passed at least. Pieces left thrown about everywhere. It was still boiling hot, but YS didn’t care, and it didn’t look like Beefer cared much either. Nothing but the sounds of lava bubbling around them, and their own heavy breathing.
Beefer eventually laid down. Using his tail to brush away as many shards as he could before curling up, red eyes watching YS carefully. The angel decided to follow his lead, lying down on the ground next to him.
Lying down next to literal pools of lava. What the hell was even going on anymore really?
“...We’re still angry.” Beefer said after a flash of light, and he was back to his humanoid self again. “Brought us here to let off some steam but there’s still so much left of it. We’re still angry.”
“...Yeah.” YS agreed after a moment. “You should be proud of at least trying. I would’ve just left myself to rot.”
“Too bad we almost had it, huh?”
YS frowned. Yeah, okay. He was angry, and in a bad mood, and he didn’t see himself getting out of it all that much anytime soon. But he was still himself. Still a guardian angel and Beefer was still one of his people. He could still see reason if it wasn’t something he had to apply to himself for the moment.
“You figured out how to switch into your battle form.” YS said instead, changing the subject. “You said you wanted to save showing me that for a better time. I’m sorry you couldn’t be as excited about it as you deserved to be. It’s very cool, by the way. Hey. I’m proud of you for figuring it out. Doing something that makes you excited despite your situation. That’s good.”
Beefer shrugged. “Cherry had to teach me. She taught Pico and I at the same time. It wasn’t… good the first time. That whole water gun thing, it’s not just water, it’s scalding water. Definitely would hurt if burns were something Dinaurians couldn’t just walk off immediately I guess. I didn’t want to practice that attack on Cherry because she’s tied to the fire element. Water element attacks hurt more for her.”
I thought Dinaurians were able to walk off attacks like nothing? Or is it different in the heat of battle? YS wondered, chest tightening painfully at the thought of Beefer not being as safe as he claimed to be. Being able to heal off anything was great but that didn’t mean the pain wouldn’t be there. He’d prefer Beefer didn’t get hurt to begin with.
“So Pico, fucking, volunteered instead. He’s tied to the air element. His attacks would hurt me more and my attacks would hurt him less. He wasn’t practicing on me, before you get even more mad. Just me on him, he said, because of the elemental matchups or whatever. It should’ve been fine. But I didn’t know what that attack was going to be like until I did it. Scalding hot water, that would burn anyone. I burned Pico, I think. I hurt him. He can heal it off, who cares, well, I do. I burned him. He was dying of burns caused by a Dinaurian. That’s why he is what he is now. And I fucking did it to him again.” Beefer spat.
Oh. Oh dear. YS grimaced. Yeah, explained like that, holy shit that was terrible. “Hey, you didn’t mean to though. Surely that has to account for something?”
“Jackshit in my opinion.” Beefer growled, folding his arms. “I’m so angry. And I’m even angrier that I had a thought for a second to be mad at him for volunteering in the first place. We keep doing this shit. I guess an outsider would call us even, he hurt me, I repaid it. I didn’t fucking want to.”
YS sighed, turning on his side so he could look at his brother better. “It’s easy to do things that you think are fine and then accidentally end up hurting someone else anyway. At least you feel bad about it. There’s too many people out there that wouldn’t care about that. You’re also lucky that both of you are now things that can heal off horrible wounds like that. It might not get rid of the emotional damage but it’s better than nothing. And you can still make up for it.”
“We still haven't talked yet.” Beefer admitted with a huff. “Could fix it, or try. But we haven’t had time. There’s gotta be people looking for us. Some of them aren’t even being subtle. Reports of unhidden Dinaurians going around asking about us. The human versions of us though. No one knows we’re… different. Cherry has to use the cloaking device almost all the time now. I hate that.”
YS looked at him for a moment. “You’re also angry that you have a place to escape to and they don’t. You have a place that you know you’re safe but they can’t benefit from that. You know that has nothing to do with you, right? Not at all your fault?”
“Still feel responsible for it.” Beefer sighed. “Like how you feel responsible for basically everything. How angry you get when things don’t go perfect right away, every time. Anger over any of us having to feel anything that isn’t a positive emotion. Anger that you can’t always save us from our situations. You can hide that from everyone else but not me. Sometimes knowing that makes it worse. Because why would I ever want you to feel like that?”
“I don’t… think I can really stop feeling like that for things.” YS treaded carefully, “But I know now it’s affecting you. So I can do better at keeping it at a level that isn’t so terrible, I think.”
“I would prefer that you try to learn that you don’t need to think like that at all.” Beefer countered. “But I know you can’t promise that. No one should promise such large change right then and there because old habits are hard to get out of. But you can at least promise to start trying. Because that’s something small you can do and it will be easy to see for me.”
“I…” YS hesitated. “Okay. You promise, then, too. You’ve got a lot of anger as well. You’re putting a lot of blame on yourself for things that were at worst just being careless. You didn’t intend for things to end up this way. You didn’t intend to burn your Pico. You didn’t intend for your friends to fall apart around you. So promise too. That you will try to learn it’s not your fault either.”
Beefer let out an empty laugh. “Yeah, alright man. Sure. We can play this game.”
“...Things probably aren’t going to start getting better today.” YS sighed in response.
“Too bad, we almost had it.” Beefer repeated knowingly.
“We almost had it.” YS agreed. “There’s always tomorrow. And the day after that. Always more time to be able to actually have it. Guess we just have to try to move forward for that, huh?”
The Dinaurian nodded. “Yeah.” He replied quietly.
“Just gotta try to move forward.”
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vampirecatprince · 1 year ago
The fact that I've listened to Euclid HUNDREDS of times but it can still randomly hit just right and make me cry tho
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jackalopedaily · 3 months ago
Jackalope Daily Day 349
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How would YOU feel if I started posting about my MILGRAM THEORIES on THIS Account?
Should I reserve it for jackalope only content or should share my incredibly vast wisdom??? 🤔🤔
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dingopaws · 3 months ago
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"I will fall in love with you over and over again I don't care how, where, or when No matter how long it's been, you're mine Don't tell me you're not the same person You're always my husband and I've been waiting, waiting-
For you."
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dawnthefluffyduck · 9 months ago
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Drawing of nobody in particular
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swiss-army-fangirl-art · 1 year ago
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the roads are my home, horizon’s my target…
daffodils are symbols of uncertainty, but also of hope.
“since i saw vienna” || ‘your city gave me asthma’
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rosicheeks · 20 days ago
Soft asks
What song makes you feel better?
Whats your favorite candle scent?
• I couldn’t decide so have a few songs 🥰
• I actually don’t have a *favorite* scent tbh I’m super indecisive and it really depends on the day………………. Ok ok ok I take that back now that I think about it I will ALWAYS buy a “fresh cut apples” or “apple orchard” or some shit like that if it’s available oh boy that’s the stuff 😍🥰 (but don’t you dare come to me with apple cinnamon shit cause I will give it back to you that shit nasty no offense 😬)
#this was sent awhile ago but wanted to answer it 🥰#better days is probably the song I go to when I need to just feel better in general I guess#but I had to include hi ren and my days cause those two songs changed my mind chemistry I swear#they helped me so much through my healing journey#I hope that everyone struggling is able to find a song that resonates with them so much and fills them with hope and possibilities ❣️#I have a *brain funk* playlist that has a bunch of songs I play when I just need to feel better#it could be if something happened but typically it’s for when I wake up and I’m in a super bad funk and mind space#I really should add to that soon I have a handful but I would love to get a full playlist of bangers that will help me feel better#as for scents I usually do for the fruity stuff 🥰#like I said love me some apple scented really anything 🍎🍏🍎🍏#but typically those are only out during the fall time AND you have to be careful to make sure they don’t throw cinnamon in there#I truly mean no offense to anyone who likes apple cinnamon#I have just been tricked so many DAMN TIMES I see a candle and it says apple and it looks super good#and I go to smell it and there’s the damn cinnamon overpowering everything#idk why I don’t like apple cinnamon I just don’t#but Apple????? just apple?! OMG yes fucking pls#I remember there was a scent at bath and body works I fucking adored and wanted it to be *my* scent#but noooOooOoOoo they fucking switch their scents seasonally and idk if it came back#I don’t go there unless I got a little extra money to spend cause they can be priceyyyy#thank you for the ask 🥰#ask#anon
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radiation · 11 months ago
i can't get rocky horror picture show. i feel like for it to have appeal to you, it needed to have been formative media and a sexual awakening of sorts. watched it a couple years ago coming from 1. already being out of the closet for years, 2, knowing the reputation rhps has both with the transmisogyny and theater nerds. i was gonna approach it for what it was, and i hoped to at least find some appreciation as a pulp sci fi enjoyer. but what made the most disappointed in the end is that for its reputation, it was not nearly as weird or transgressive or as queer as other 70s movies i know of or have seen. i had already seen phantom of the paradise by that point so my expectations for weird rock operas were set much higher, and i expected more of the pulpiness that it promised. i can appreciate the acting, art direction, some of the music, and i can understand what it meant to people, but there are way better and more entertaining and weirder 70s movies out there. i watched it in a double feature with shock treatment and i liked shock better. if you want a better pulp sci fi sex comedy with questionable elements, watch flesh gordon (1974)
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fruityumbrella · 1 month ago
i'm so late to this hslkhalkjs but sugarspun + 3 or 13 for the fic ask game?
What is your favourite line of narration?
oh god theres so many words in this fic ummmm ok its not one line but i really adore zoros internal narration of how his feelings for sanji crept up on him. im self-obsessed so ill put a small excerpt from it, and the last line is probably my fave
The ones with him were always in the dark. Vague spaces engulfed in urgency. Dreams that were more taste than sight. Sweat and smoke. Salt and skin. They frustrated him to no end. Then, the dreams changed.  Without Zoro’s permission, the light leaked in. 
but theres also definitely some other lines that are gems TO ME probably smth sappy from the lipstick section and the bit in the galley where sanji squeezes zoros hand augh. is any of this even technically 'narration'? idk and i dont want to know<3
What music did you listen to while writing or what would you recommend to accompany the fic?
i dont listen to music while i write BUT after thinking about it right now i would rec one of my fave albums of 2024, 'i love you so f***ing much' by glass animals. im really more into the Vibes of music than the lyrics, and this album inspires a certain contradictory, confused, ache-in-the-ribs raw memory of love which is very harmonic with the mess of sugarspun. lyrically too it covers a lot of complex, strained threads about love and moves through different phases and levels of acceptance of it, which mirrors a lot of moments across the fic. TO ME.
particularly, id say creatures in heaven (taking love for granted and missing the small moments and how much YOU were loved once its gone) + whatthehellishappening? (to a lesser extent, but the overall vibe of being caught in a situation where youre helpless but you like it) for sanji pov a tear in space (trying to figure out what someone wants and give it to them but its just not enough to break through) + how i learned to love the bomb (being with someone volatile and always being on edge, trying to predict which version of them youre going to get) for zoro AND lost in the ocean as a finale and a conversation between the two of them (sanji as the verse and zoro as the chorus)
fic asks
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theladyfae · 5 months ago
top 5 shenjin songs . or tenmartha songs. or both 👀🫶💖🌷🫂♥️💗🤍🌺💞🌸🌹🌸🥰💞🌺💖💖🌹
KISSING U FOR THIS ASK okay tenmartha have been on my brain Constantly (shocking ikr) and half of it is thanks to my beloved playlists so, in no particular order:
the number of niki songs that cater so specifically to my current flavour of brainrot is actually a startling amount she takes up like half my playlists for them atp
also ikot was a beautiful (hurtful) rec from poppy <3 and bop is just v fun. if u cant tell i like the idea of them just missing each other w the timings of their respective crushes </3 just as much as i like the slow realisation that they're not a sustainable dynamic, that someone has to give in first
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